
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Service Site

I haven't started my official service site yet. But I have been to the orientation for it. I am going to be working at Rosa Parks Elementary School with either 1st or 2nd graders. I expect for it to be a fun experience because I really do enjoy working with children. I think that I will become a big part of the kids life and vice versa. I stated my times to work at my site on Fridays. So every Friday I will volunteer my time with them and be involved in their lives. I think that Im going to enjoy my site though. & while I do it I will gain experience with kids. I'm looking forward to starting my site.

Tuesday Expenses

Lunch- $3.50
Total- $3.50

Monday, August 27, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Expenses

In my Personal Growth class I was asked to track all of the expenses I make for 2 days of the week plus one weekend day. So here I go:

Gas- $15.00
Lunch- $5.00
Jamba Juice- $3.35
Total- $18.35

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hard Work

Being involved in SRP I have learned many lessons that I will be sure to take with me in the fall. The most important lesson that I will take is "Hard Work Pays Off". Coming into SRP I told myself that I would make sure that I try my hardest to get an A and do every single assignment that was assigned. I did this so that I'd be sure the outcome of these classes would be positive. I knew that I'd have to dedicate my hard work toward all of my classes so that at the end of it all I could say that I tried my best. For example, if i didn't make it a goal to do ALL assignments assigned then if i got a grade I didn't like then I'd have to say I didn't give it my 100% efforts because I didn't do everything asked of me. But me, being an achiever, likes to put 100% into everything I do.
This brings me to how my lesson "Hard Work Pays Off" falls into place.
Working hard truly does pay off because at the end of the course of working hard toward your goal, the outcome is bound to be positive. For example, this year in English 42/43 I stuck to my goal and said that I'd do all assignments and work hard on them all. We got our essays back today and majority of them are A's. This gave me the pleasure of saying that all of my hard work payed off. All of my days really making an effort to do my homework to the best of my ability showed through my work. This gave me a gratifying feeling because I feel that I'm on course to my goals that I made when entering SRP.
So therefore, this is the lesson that I will be sure to take with me in the fall. Keeping this is important because when I enter something and want the outcome to be positive I can think back to all of the times where I felt satisfaction in the outcome of working hard.