
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


In class we looked at an image that features a women that looks shocked. On the picture it displays the quote, “OMG, I have to read a lot and write a lot to be a writer?” This brings up the idea that people expect things to just be given to them in life and when they aren’t they act shocked. Many Americans don’t seem to understand that they do actually have to work. Of cours if a person wants to be a writer they will need to attribute the talents of a good writer who reads and writes a lot. But if they really have the passion to do this job, the excessive reading and writing wouldn’t matter.

 For example, many people want to do high paying jobs like being a doctor or a lawyer. But when they look into it and find out that in order to be a doctor you have to do a lot of schooling and participate in dissecting labs, they seem to be surprised. The same concept applies to some people who want to be lawyers. People look into it and see all the work that they will have to put in by going to law school and they seem surprised about it. People just expect for jobs to be given to them, they don’t want to do the actual ground work that it takes for them to get there.

This quote also reminded me about how at the beginning of SRP in English class we had a discussion about Motivation. People are mostly motivated by money and only want to do a job because the lasting outcomes will be a lot of income. But in reality they are only hurting themselves because they arent doing what they love or enjoy to do. Imagine a person that is into fashion but pursues a career in Child Development working with kids. This person may have a job as a teacher but everyday not even want to be there because thats not what their passion in life is. Doing something like only choosing a job because of the money is detrimental to only yourself.

People should be more mindful of jobs that they want to pursue. If they are interested in a profession it shouldn’t matter what measures they have to take to do the job. Just as long as they enjoy it that should be enough. Whether it comes to being a doctor or a lawyer, a person should be interested for the right reasons and not just for the money. Any amount of work shouldn’t be a problem leading up to the desired profession because it should be something they enjoy to do.


  1. I agree with your assesment. When I was a counselor, I had many students say they wanted to be this profession or that, but seemed to be unhappy about having to take coursework that matched their career interest - like the students who claimed they wanted to be accountants but hated math or pre-nursing students who didn't like the sight of blood. This phenomenon made me think that maybe students, and people in general, pick professons for the wrong, or at least misguided, reasons. Took me awhile to get on the right track to figure out what I wanted to do . . . but I learned amazing things along the way, even if my major and first masters' degree seem far afield from what I do today . . . good luck to you, Ms. Edrika, as you being your journey.

  2. Hey Edrika you're a great writer maybe we should from a study group for English class this fall. You're vocabulary is amazing :)
