A bad customer service experience that I've had was when I went to a Beauty Supply store. The store employees were 2 Vietnamese people. I think they were husband and wife. But I was with my little brother, Edward, and my friend Quanita. We all walked in and were looking around and we noticed that the husband was following us. I asked him why he was following us.
He said, "Because your going to steal."
I said, "So just because we're black, you think we're going to steal?"
He than said that he was going to call the police. We didn't really care that he was going to call the police because we weren't in the wrong. But we just left anyway.
I think we handled the situation okay. We didn't cuss out the man or do anything disrespectful. So I think we handled it well. But as far as the Beauty Supply place, I felt that I never wanted to go there again. I think that instead of judging us because we were black, the man should have just asked us if we needed help.
That is shocking. I would never go back. You did well.