
Friday, July 6, 2012

Lesson learned in SRP

A lesson that I've learned so far from being in SRP is the lesson about being a Creator or a Victim. Before even coming to City College I'd never heard of those 2 terms in the way that they have been introduced for me here. I learned that a Victim is a person that lives life through fate and luck. They just let life happen to them and often feel that life is just going to take them wherever and that their choices don't matter. They don't beleive their lives are effected by their everyday choices. Victims oftentimes blame others for their mistakes and don't know how to take responsibility for their actions. 
But a Creator is the exact opposite. A Creator knows that they are in charge of every choice that they make. They take self-resposibility for everything that they do in life. Creators dont blame others for their mistakes. And if they do find something wrong in life they don't complain, they just make a change.Being in SRP has taught me the kind of person that I am. I feel that I am a creator. But I also have some Victim habits too. SRP has taught me the life lesson of being a Creator and I know now to shape myself to be much more of a Creator.


  1. Great quote; I like rhythm of the phrases "making excuses" and "making adjustments" - that patterns makes it easy to remember the distinction between victim/creator, between "determinism" and "agency." And the word "adjustments' makes being a creator less daunting; I don't have to completely solve everything - I can make small, steady adjustments to stay on course.
