
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Today during English class we read a paper written by Marilyn Manson. In this paper he was relaying to all of the criticism he got from people that were saying his music was part of the reason for some of the violence throughout the world. Manson made it clear that he totally disagrees with this concept of his music being faulted for violence. He takes it all the way back to the origin of religion and Christianity. He brought up the Cain and Able story about how Cain killed his brother and even back in times like those there was no television, music, or media. Therefore he left us with a point that peoples motives aren't always what they hear or see. Just like Cains reason for killing his brother was through something personal, and not because of any music he had listened to.
He also mentions a lot of mass murders that have happened around the world, for example the one that happened in Columbine where there was a huge shooting in a high school leading to many deaths. He mostly blames media for publicizing them the way that they do. Manson states, "America puts killers on the cover of Time Magazine, giving them as much notoriety as our favorite movie stars.Meaning that we give the killers the attention that they want. 
I believe that media is part of the blame for the violence that goes on in the world. This is because we are greatly influenced by it everyday. There is music and television around us everyday. People have a right to express how they feel in their music. If they feel they want to do so in a violent way, then Yes they can. But it only becomes a problem when people start to be influenced by these behaviors. But I am a firm believer in the idea of responsibility. A responsible person who's a leader wont choose to be influenced by any violent music or movies. They will make sure that they choose a path that is morally right. But all in all, I feel that society needs to reinforce the ideas of safety and try to do something to prohibit it, instead of condoning in through our media.

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